Jul 08 2022
Introducing the OSI 2022 Faculty: Vikki Bell
We are happy to announce Vikki Bell as a member of the OSI 2022 faculty! Vikki is Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London, where she convenes the Cultural Analysis pathway of the MA programme, is the Director of Postgraduate Research and co-Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought. Her research has addressed transitional justice within societies emerging from periods of conflict, with a focus on Latin America, with an emphasis on questions of the aesthetics and ethics. She has several decades of engagement with critical, feminist, post-structuralist, post- and decolonial theory as well as with photography, contemporary art and film. Vikki is looking forward to joining OSI this year and will be convening a workshop with Leti Volpp on questions of Property, Migration and Belonging.
Vikki is the author of four monographs, including Culture and Performance (Berg, 2007) and The Art of Post-Dictatorship: Ethics and Aesthetics in Transitional Argentina (Routledge, 2014), and has also written over fifty academic articles and chapters. She is currently completing a further book on the complexities of ‘propositions of memory’ in archives, artworks and memory sites in Argentina, Chile and Colombia, including the implications of creating archives and making artworks from the ruins and remnants that remain in post-conflict worlds. She is a former editor of Social & Legal Studies and Theory, Culture & Society.
Her research has attracted funding from the Arts & Humanities Research Council, the British Academy, the Newton Fund and the Economic & Social Research Council (UK). She is also part of a team receiving funds from CONICYT, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnologíca, Chile. Most recently she was the PI on a British Academy funded project called ‘Documentality & Display: Archiving and Curating the Violent Past in Argentina, Chile and Colombia’(Grant: SDP2\100242).
Vikki’s most recent publications are: ‘Taking the Risk of Images, After All: Between Form and Formlessness at the Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos, ex-ESMA, Argentina’ in Liliana Gómez (ed) Performing Human Rights: Contested Amnesia and Aesthetics Practices in the Global South (2021) Diaphanes/University of Chicago Press; ‘The Sigh of Sorrow and the Force of Art: On the artwork of Erika Diettes’ Wasafiri 2020 Vol 35, No. 4 pp21-31; ‘Documenting Dictatorship: Writing and Resistance in Chile’s Vicaría de la Solidaridad‘ Theory, Culture & Society (2020); ‘”Always Another Breath in My Breath”: On Denise Riley, the polyvocality of the subject and poetry’ Feminist Theory (2020) Vol 23 Issue 3 pp317-329; and the report ‘Archives of Violence: Case Studies from South America’ (2021) Co-authored with Oriana Bernasconi, Jaime Hernandez-García and Cecilia Sosa London: Goldsmiths ISBN 9781913380281. Further back, she was the editor of the influential collection Performativity and Belonging (1999).
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