Jul 04 2024

Introducing: Peter Schneck

Posted at 2:49 pm under Uncategorized

And finally we would like to officially introduce Peter Schneck as not only as our very own Summer Institute Director but also as officially part of the OSI 2024 Faculty!

Peter will convene the workshop on interdisciplinarity along with Leila Neti and Laura Zander.

Peter studied North-American and Media Studies at the John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University Berlin, where he received his doctorate for a thesis on cultural perception and imagination in American realist painting and literature in 1996. From 1997 to 2004, he was an Assistant Professor at the America Institute, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich. After the successful completion of his habilitation on “Rhetoric and Evidence: Legal Conflict and Literary Representation in American Culture“, he worked first as a Associate Professor at LMU Munich, before accepting the chair for American Studies at Osnabrück University in 2007. Various scholarships, fellowships and teaching assignments took Peter abroad, among others to the University of California at Irvine, the Venice International University, the University of Nottingham, the University of Turin and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D. C.

His research and teaching focus on the history of the U.S-American culture and literature with a special focus on the 19th century to the present, law and literature, questions of property and ownership in U. S. American-culture, Human Rights and Migration, as well as general questions of cognition, poetics, and aesthetics in literature.

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