Jul 11 2024

Keynote: Kerry Bystrom on “African Science Fiction and the Right to Higher Education: Tracking Precarity and Agency in Kenyan Refugee Camps”

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We are proud to announce that Kerry Bystrom will be joining our conference this year and hold a keynote on the topic “African Science Fiction and the Right to Higher Education: Tracking Precarity and Agency in Kenyan Refugee Camps”!

Kerry is Associate Professor of English and Human Rights and Associate Dean of the College at Bard College Berlin. Her research brings expertise on African and Latin American literature and cultural studies to bear on the role of storytelling and the arts more widely in processes of democratic transitions and transitional justice, human rights movements, and humanitarian campaigns. Publications include the monograph Democracy at Home in South Africa (2016) and special journal issues and edited volumes including Humanitarianism and Responsibility (2013), The Global South Atlantic (2018), South and North: Contemporary Urban Orientations (2018), and The Cultural Cold War and the Global South (2021). She is currently working on research projects on the right to higher education; inter-African migration narratives; and stolen children and the right to identity. She also works practically in the field of Higher Education in Emergencies, and holds a Certificate of Advanced Study in Higher Education in Emergencies from the University of Geneva.

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